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  • Writer's pictureYasmeen Cerny

Princeton Symphony

Updated: Feb 20

Sunday, May 21, 2017

This special Musicale for the Princeton Symphony Orchestra in New Jersey was held on a beautiful spring day, in a beautiful private home framed by a luscious garden in bloom and filled with Asian artifacts and artwork. The birds accompanied the performance. It would be hard for Debussy not to win in that kind of environment, and he did so, handily, at 55% to 45%! Most of that win came from Round 2, with the later style of Cloches and Jardin sous la Pluie favored more than 3 to 1. Men preferred Debussy, as did non-pianists. And a big difference marked the three age brackets present today. My great thanks to Marc Uys for the introduction to the Princeton Symphony!

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