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  • Writer's pictureYasmeen Cerny

Lafayette LA LMTA

My visit to Lafayette, LA and encounter with the LMTA left me inspired and invigorated. A beautiful turnout with lots of young people, a wonderful CFX piano brought in especially, meetings the former teacher of one of my current CMU students, a 35 year reunion with an audience member from my very first concerts in Beijing, a chance to meet people and talk about how great our professional focus - the piano - is and can be! The results of the vote from this highly engaged group was strongly Prokofiev! Some Debussy areas included Round 2 and non-pianists, as well as people over 60. This brings the overall results to 35 Debussy vs 33 Prokofiev, a virtual tie in overall votes since the beginning, and a slight favor to Debussy in number of rounds won. Check out the overall results on the general “Results Heart Soul” link above.

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